Monday, April 25, 2011

Changes to MyNCBI

For those of you who utilize MyNCBI while doing your PubMed searching, MyNCBI just went through a redesign last week. Not only does it allow for easy customization of your page, but "eliminates complexities and provides a streamlined interface."

And for those of you who have yet to explore MyNCBI, come see me and we can set up this free account so you can start saving your searches, saving collections of citations, and seeing your recent search activity all on one page. I will be happy to help you set it up and show you how to use it in your everyday research.

For more information about the MyNCBI redesign, see the NLM Technical Bulletin.

Happy Searching!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

NLM Announces PubMed Mobile Beta

In a recent post from the NLM Technical Bulletin, PubMed came out a with a more "simplified mobile friendly Web interface." Its pretty basic, but still includes all the vital information when digging for literature. The feature also includes links to related citations. As noted in the Bulletin, it does not includes functions such as Limits, Advance search or other features such as MyNCBI, Clipboard, or LinkOut. Give it a try!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Liaison Program in Meeting Information Needs

In January a new article, "Effectiveness of a Liaison Program in Meeting Information Needs of College of Pharmacy Faculty" was released where I served as a co-author. My colleagues and I collaborated on a study to determine the effectiveness of liaison services here in the College. Read about our findings in Medical Reference Services Quarterly at